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News / New Site!
« Last post by Vector on March 16, 2009, 10:38:58 AM »

I'd rather a forum that is already populated (like this one.)
VectorBot / Flood Idea
« Last post by Vector on March 16, 2009, 10:33:17 AM »
A burst ban along with command synchronization is flawless, especially when 3 or more bots participate in it. I've seen this at Clan WaR@Northrend.

Hopefully, when I can get VectorBot to finally connect, I'll work on another project that I kind of started but halted (Synergy Co-Op). Either that, or I'll allow packet 0x13 on VectorNet to be a command receiver/synchronizing packet. It'll only work if you're connected with a certain product ID. (just called Bot Synchronizer). This idea may play out in time, and I see huge potential with this.

Your idea is ok, but it does lay open the possibility of flooding, whereas the burst ban froze the queue for 10 seconds or so before another burstban took place.
VectorNet / v1.1 client / server
« Last post by Vector on March 16, 2009, 10:15:13 AM »
You all were probably wondering how far along I have come with v1.1 of the client / server. I've been coding off and on, but lately I've been coding more of VectorNet. Its just been a long ass time since I released 1.0, and I think its time for an udpate on where this stands.

For v1.1, the client will be able to play tic-tac-toe with other users (this is where packet 0x08 comes in (previously defunct, remember?)). Also, it will have an update manager as well, so this may be the last client I post on here, as it will be able to auto-update itself (Jd's looks more slick!).

Jd has pushed out more versions than I have, and I think I need to focus more on developing VectorNet.

As of right now, the tic-tac-toe system works pretty well, and I have yet to finish coding the moves portion, as well as a few other things.

On completion of the tic-tac-toe, and the update manager, I will have finialized v1.1 of the client. I will then block the commands on the server that I was intent on working on for the next version.

Just a heads up on the progress.
VectorBot / Flood Idea
« Last post by Hale_ on March 16, 2009, 06:45:23 AM »
Well, I got to see the code for Stealthbot . And I hatched an Idea for better flood protection.

How about instead of a burst ban of 5 like what Ruthless and NF do, how about a ban outside of the queue, and then inside then outside again. The way it worked out in my head was really sweet. It just came to me. I think the Outside, Inside idea will stop the flooding of bans from the bot to BNET, as well as keeping the channel clean of floods and other stuff.
News / New Site!
« Last post by Hale_ on March 16, 2009, 06:35:38 AM »
The Boards suck. I am going on Strike.
News / New Site!
« Last post by Reason on March 15, 2009, 06:22:04 PM »
We'll everyone, the new site is up! I'm gonna miss this, and i'm going to make a backup of all the files and put it on an archive site so everyone can look at past posts.

Sure, i have my complaints about the new site, but it's not my site.

Well here it is!
Trash Can / From: Rev77 Support (TeamViewer)
« Last post by The Hermit on March 15, 2009, 12:29:20 PM »
you fail.
Tutorials and FAQS / Guide to Rank System
« Last post by Reason on March 15, 2009, 11:09:23 AM »
In Fail Bot 1.3, there are Rank Settings. The DEFAULT Ranks are
A = Admin of bot
S = Safelisted
B = Banned (Shitlisted)
H = Halted from using commands
E = Exiled

To Add someone to a rank, make sure they aren't on the user list with

/c rem username(@blah)

Then Do
/c add username access rank(s)
Ranks should not be seperated with a space, but they can be.

Attribute System
On top of the new rank system, there is an attribute system. So far, there are only two attributes, but i will be expanding and adding more

banmsg (b flags only) = The message to ban a user with
greet (any flags) = Message to greet an INDIVIDUAL user with.

So if I wanted to ban Marty.T@Blizzard from the channel forever with the BanMessage Noob i would do
/c add Marty.T@Blizzard 0 b --banmsg Noob

That would result in
?01:05:03 PM? ?? Marty.T@Blizzard was banned by ReaSoN (Noob).

Or If i wanted to greet MikeA@Azeroth with the message Hai Mike! i would do
/c add MikeA@Azeroth 0 s --greet Hai Mike!

What if i wanted to greet a user before i banned them?
You would do this
/c add Pyro6@Azeroth 0 b --banmsg Bye Pyro! --greet Hai Pyro!

I'll add more stuff as i put them in the bot!

If you have any suggestions about this, just post them here.
Fail Bot / Ever Wanted To Be a Beta Tester...
« Last post by ArticWolve on March 15, 2009, 06:34:37 AM »
Go ahead. You are welcome to try. And Zone, I haz several computers named the same thing on my network. It phailz.
Requests / Write to webpage
« Last post by ArticWolve on March 15, 2009, 06:33:05 AM »
I have one. I'll PM you the details later.
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