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Topics - Wolf-TBR

Pages: [1]
Requests / [Resolved] .host game script
« on: January 13, 2009, 03:47:08 PM »
i was wondering if anyone could make a .host game script, im sure there are lots made up but i was wondering if anyone made one where it auto clears after a set amount of time and shows how long its been up, like the one for TBR east for those who know of it, leave a msg, scripting code, or link to the script code already made and thanks for the help

ok, also in addition when a person host a games i'd like it to display
1 - The games name
2 - the person who hosted it
3- and the amount of time it's been up

list of cmds and amount of access for them that i would like to be in the script:

.gamelist/.list - access 0
.host "gamename" ((qoutes not needed)) - access 1
.clearlist/.clearall - access 900
.clear - access 1 (( when a person types this it clears only the game they hosted, i would like this in there incase a person rehost a game, ty))

ex for list:
[10:38:22 PM] <WhiteWolf> .host testing
[10:38:22 PM] <Zeus[TBR5]> WhiteWolf is hosting a game called "testing".
[10:38:26 PM] <WhiteWolf> .list
[10:38:26 PM] <Zeus[TBR5]> "testing" hosted by WhiteWolf ( time will be shown her of how long it has been up)

if you have any question plz pm or post

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