R77 Community Forum Archive

Programming => Scripting => Requests => Topic started by: Wolf-TBR on January 13, 2009, 03:47:08 PM

Title: [Resolved] .host game script
Post by: Wolf-TBR on January 13, 2009, 03:47:08 PM
i was wondering if anyone could make a .host game script, im sure there are lots made up but i was wondering if anyone made one where it auto clears after a set amount of time and shows how long its been up, like the one for TBR east for those who know of it, leave a msg, scripting code, or link to the script code already made and thanks for the help

ok, also in addition when a person host a games i'd like it to display
1 - The games name
2 - the person who hosted it
3- and the amount of time it's been up

list of cmds and amount of access for them that i would like to be in the script:

.gamelist/.list - access 0
.host "gamename" ((qoutes not needed)) - access 1
.clearlist/.clearall - access 900
.clear - access 1 (( when a person types this it clears only the game they hosted, i would like this in there incase a person rehost a game, ty))

ex for list:
[10:38:22 PM] <WhiteWolf> .host testing
[10:38:22 PM] <Zeus[TBR5]> WhiteWolf is hosting a game called "testing".
[10:38:26 PM] <WhiteWolf> .list
[10:38:26 PM] <Zeus[TBR5]> "testing" hosted by WhiteWolf ( time will be shown her of how long it has been up)

if you have any question plz pm or post
Title: [Resolved] .host game script
Post by: Vector on January 14, 2009, 01:52:51 PM
This sounds a lot like my gamelist plugin. I will update it so it shows the time the game has been created. I will do this later.
Title: [Resolved] .host game script
Post by: Wolf-TBR on January 16, 2009, 02:31:26 PM
yes it is similar to your vector however we've found the .joingame with the amount of players is not of use to how, we need the timer to show how long its been up and the autoclear to clear the hosted game of a user at a certain amount of time, thanks Wolf
Title: [Resolved] .host game script
Post by: Vector on January 16, 2009, 05:55:42 PM
The only thing I need to ask is: how do you want the output of each game to look like? Show me an example.
Title: [Resolved] .host game script
Post by: Wolf-TBR on January 17, 2009, 08:37:20 AM
i suppose this would be good

"game name" hosted by "username" (Timer here)

edit: thanks for the help again vector
Title: [Resolved] .host game script
Post by: Vector on January 17, 2009, 03:24:35 PM
Ok. I'll make it so, but I want to keep the number of users in a game.

BTW, I'm in your channel right now @ uswest
Title: [Resolved] .host game script
Post by: Wolf-TBR on January 17, 2009, 05:05:40 PM
ok then

.... it doesnt say the amount of slots in list again...
 [9:01:33 PM] <Zeus[TBR5] "the black road!!!!" hosted by hero9211 (Game duration: 1:30>

and i still had a couple other things i was gonna ask you about lol
Title: [Resolved] .host game script
Post by: Vector on January 17, 2009, 11:13:40 PM
We resolved this issue. It no longer needs addressing.

Wolf, thank you for using my scripts in your clan.
Title: [Resolved] .host game script
Post by: Vector on January 29, 2009, 05:48:03 PM
I have marked this topic as resolved.

If you have any questions or if your problem continues, please reply and provide as much information as possible.

Was this multi-mod not working in some boards...?