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Innectis Staff Command list

Generated on Jan-15-2017 12:40:01 (EST) by IDP v11.0.0

Arguments in []s are optional, whereas <>s are required.
Moderatoraddlot Creates a new lot for a player./addlot <username> [-p password] [-yaxis] 
Moderatorassignlot Assigns a pre-made lot to a player./assignlot <username> [lotid] 
Moderatorban Bans the given player./ban <username> [-time (-t) <ban time(m, h, d, or s)>] [-ip] [-joinban (-jb)] [-link <username>] 
Moderatorbanned Returns a list of all banned users by a filter./banned [ban type number [-page, -p <page>]] 
Moderatorborderlot Makes a border on the edge of a lot./borderlot [lot ID] [block] [-y <value>] 
ModeratorcreatectfarenaccaCreates a CTF arena./createctfarena [-stop] 
ModeratorfilterchatfilterAdds/removes words from the word filter./filter <add/remove> <-word <word>> [-reason <reason>] 
Moderatorfinditem Searches player inventories, ender chests, and chests for items./finditem <id[:data]> [amount [-max]] [-player, -p <player>] 
Moderatorfly Allows you or a targetted player to fly./fly [username] 
Moderatorfreeze Freezes a player./freeze <username> 
Moderatorgame A command to control games./game [-listTypes (-lt)] [-listGames (-lg)] [-start <mode> [-limit (-l) <amount>]] [-addPlayer <player>] [-parse [parse]] 
ModeratorinfractwarnGives the player an infraction./infract <username> <intensity> <reason> 
Moderatorinspectmembersinspectlot, inspectChecks all target lots for members of a lower user group./inspectmembers <username> 
ModeratoritemiGives yourself an item./item <itemid[:data]> [amount] 
Moderatorjail Puts a player in jail./jail <username> OR <-list> 
Moderatorkick Kicks a player from the server./kick <playername> [reason] 
Moderatorlistentitiesle, countentities, ceCounts the entities in a range, in your TinyWE selection, or on a lot./listentities [-range, -r <amount>] [-selection, -sel] [-lot, -l [ID]] 
Moderatorlistlots Lists all lots of a player, filtered by world, or all tagged lots./listlots <[username [-page, -p <number>]] [-hidden] [-world, -w <world>]> OR <-tagged, -t [-page, -p <page>]> 
ModeratorlotlasteditlleFinds all lots not built before a certain time./lotlastedit <time> [-p <page>] [-size, -s <size (Ex. 50x50, 50-100x50-100, or any)>] 
ModeratorlotstacklotcountLists how many lots are pre-made./lotstack 
ModeratormodmsgscSends a message to the staff chat./modmsg <message> 
Moderatormute Mutes a player./mute <username> [-list] [-time (-t) <time>] 
Moderatorplatform Creates a block of the specified type below you./platform <block> 
Moderatorrandomlot Teleports you to a random lot./randomlot 
ModeratorremlotremovelotRemoves a lot with the given ID./remlot <id> [-pass <password>] [-request] 
Moderatorrequest Makes a request./request <player> <message> 
Moderatorresetlot Resets a lot with the given ID./resetlot <id> [-request] 
ModeratorselectlotsellotLoads a lot into your WE selection./selectlot [id] [-full, -f] [-usefeet, -uf] 
Moderatorsetinfotoolsetinfotooltype, setinformationtooltypeSets various modes for the info tool./setinfotool chest/block/blockvalue 
Moderatorsetlottag Sets a tag on the specified lot./setlottag <[id] <tag name OR -clear> [-owner, -o <owner>] [-hide, -h]> 
Moderatorshowinfractionsshowinfraction, showinf, playerinfsShows the infractions of a player./showinfractions [username [-all] [-page <page>]] [-id <id> [-book]] 
Moderatorsit This let the player sit on another player./sit <playername> 
ModeratorspectatespyAllows you to spectate another player./spectate [-view, -v <username>] [-end, -e] [-who] [-kickall] 
Moderatortimer This will start counting down for the given amount of time./timer <time>  
Moderatortop Takes you to the next highest avalible block./top 
ModeratortpptphereTeleports a player to another player./tpp <username> [target] 
Moderatortwregen Regenerates an area./twregen 
ModeratortwsendselectiontwssCopies your selection to the specified player./twsendselection <username> 
ModeratortwtakeovertwtoTakes over the selection from somebody else./twtakeover <username> 
Moderatorunban Unbans the given player./unban <playername> [-unlink] 
Moderatorunfreeze Unfreezes a player./unfreeze <username> 
Moderatorunjail Unjails a player./unjail <username> 
Moderatorunmute Unmutes a player./unmute <username> 
ModeratorvanishvToggles the player's visibility./vanish [-status] 
Moderatorweather Sets the weather for either the server or a targetted world./weather [storm/thunder/rain/thunderstorm/sun] [-world <worldname>] [-player, -p <player>] 
Rainbow Modaddwarp Creates a warp at the player's location./addwarp <warpname> [-hidden, -h] [-staff, -s] [-force, -f] 
Rainbow ModchangelotheightclhChanges the height of the lot, full or not./changelotheight <ID> [<low-Y> <high-Y>] OR [-selection, -sel] OR [-full] 
Rainbow Moddelwarp Deletes a warp by the specified name./delwarp <warpname> 
Rainbow ModmassownermoSets the owner of all owned objects in the player's selection./massowner <owner> 
Rainbow Modsetowner Sets the owner of an owned object or all lots with a tag./setowner <[id] <owner> [-inherited, -i for lots]> OR <owner -lottag, -lt <tag>> 
Rainbow ModtwsetbiometwbiomeSets the biome in a region./twsetbiome <biomename> 
Adminboom Creates a special jump,/boom [-player <name>] 
Adminclearinv Clears the inventory of the given player./clearinv <playername> 
AdmincustomEffectcustom, castCreates custom effects./customEffect [type] [player] 
Adminenchant Enchants the item in the player's hand./enchant <enchantment ID> [level] [-list] 
Adminequip Equips the selected item in an armor slot (1 through 4)./equip <slot> [username] 
Adminfall This command will force all blocks in the selected region to fall like sand./fall 
AdminfillcontainerfcA command that allows you to quickly fill inventories with items. Can target players or containers./fillcontainer <itemid[:data]> [amount] [-inventory, -i] [-replace, -r] [-includeself, -is] 
AdmingamemodegmSets your game mode./gamemode <mode> 
Admingc Garbage collection, clears unused objects in memory./gc 
AdmingivegGives the specified player an item./give <name> <itemid[:data]> [amount] 
Admingod Enables god mode for yourself or a targetted player./god [username] [-list] 
Admininvswitchswitchinv, changeinv, invchange, swapinv, invswap, setinv, invset, setinventory, inventorysetSwitches the inventory of a player with a specified type./invswitch <name> <type> 
Adminitemdata Adds itemdata to an item in the player's hand./itemdata [-MobHead <name>] [-Name <name>] [-Title <title>] [-Writer <player>] [-Spell <spellid>] [-addlore, -al <lore>] [-color <color>] [-clearlore, -cl] [-type, -t <type>] [-removetype, -rt] [-listtypes, -lt [-page, -p <page>]] 
Adminjump This shoots the player into the air./jump [username] 
Adminkill Kills any entity in the specified range. Protect lots with -protectlots./kill [entity type] [-player, -p <player>] [-leave, -l <amount>] [-protectlots, -pl] [-allowtamed, -at] [-range, -r <range>] [-selection, -sel] [-l, -lot [ID]] 
Adminknockbackknock, kbKnocks back all entities near you./knockback [distance] [y-multiplier(float, 0 to 1)] 
Adminlistinv Allows you to view and manipulate the inventory of a player in real-time./listinv <player> [-type, -t <inventory type>]  
Adminlock Locks the block that you're looking at./lock 
Adminlot Command to manage a lot's traits./lot [lotID] [-clearall, -ca] [-clearlotmembers, -clm] [-clearbanned, -cb] [-clearflags, -cf] [-clearsafelist, -cs] [-clearmessages, -cm) [-makeassignable, -ma] [-makehidden, -mh] [-makeunhidden, -mu] [-enable] [-disable] 
Adminmaintenance Turns maintenance mode on or off./maintenance <on/off> 
Adminmodifybalancemodifybal, modbal, mbModifies the balance of the specified player./modifybalance <player> <add/deposit/remove/withdraw/set> <amount> [vT/bvT/pvp/vp/rp] 
Adminopenchest Opens the chest with the given id./openchest <id> 
AdminopenenderchestopenechestOpens a player's enderchest, optionally by world type./openenderchest <player> [world] 
Adminplayerinfo Shows information about a player that can be either online or offline./playerinfo <username> [-help] [-page <number>]] [-status, -st] [-world, -w] [-location, -loc] [-group, -g] [-balance, -bal] [-lastlogin, -ll] [-pvppoints, -pvpp] [-votepoints, -votep] [-referralpoints, -refp] [-mode] [-exp][-level] [-specialperms, -sp] [-requests] [-geolocation, -geo] [-linkedaccounts, -la]  
AdminplayerpasswordsppwA command that lists all players with passwords as well as the ability to delete them./playerpasswords [-list, -l] OR [-delete, -d <player>] 
AdminpluginsplShows the plugins running on the server./plugins 
Adminputlotherelothere, plh, lhMoves a lot in your selection, or given lot ID, to your region./putlothere [lot ID] [-ignorelots, -il] [-spawnhere, -sh] [-yaxis, -y] 
Adminreloadlots Reloads the lots from the database into memory./reloadlots 
Adminreminv Removes an item from the player's inventory./reminv <player> <itemid[:data[:damage]]> 
Adminresync Resyncs the region with owned objects and transfers them to the owner./resync <lotid> [-override, -o] 
Adminsavelots Saves the lots in memory to the database./savelots 
Adminsetartsetpicture, setpicSets a painting's picture./setart <picture> OR <list> 
Adminsetdata Sets the data of the block you are looking at./setdata <byte> 
AdminsetfloatingtextsftSets a floating text message at the player or their TinyWE selection./setfloatingtext <message> [-sel] [-remove, -r [-sel]] 
Adminsetguestpromotearea Sets an area where guests are automatically promoted./setguestpromotearea 
Adminsetimage Creates an image at the location the player is looking./setimage <image> 
Adminsetspawn Sets the spawn location./setspawn 
Adminspawnmob Spawns a mob at the user's location, allowing various traits as well./spawnmob <mob1[,mob2,...]> [amount] [minecartblock [-block, -b <material> [-invert]]] [-stacked] [-carry <material>] [-fly] [-slimesize, -ss <size>] [-kid, -baby] [-equip <head[,chest,torso,feet,hand]>] [-separate] [-power] [-head <player name>] [-rabbittype, -rt <type>] [-name, -n <name>] [-color (-c) <color>] [-noai] [-derp] [-jumpstrength, -js <strength>] 
Adminspike Spikes the drink of the target./spike <player> [on/enable/off/disable] 
Adminstrike Strikes lightning at nearby entities./strike <range/name> [mode] 
Admintest Test command for... testing?/test 
Admintime Sets the time, either server, targetted world, or a player's time./time [day/night/time] [-world, -w <world or local>] [-player, -p username] [-relative] 
Admintprall Requests all players to teleport to you./tprall [-force] [-override] 
Adminunloadworldchunks Unloads all chunks from a world./unloadworld [worldname] 
Adminunlock Unlocks the block you're looking at./unlock 
AdminutilityutilUsed to manage various parts of IDP./utility <function> 
Adminwhitelist Manages the ban whitelist./whitelist [-add <username>] [-remove <username>] [-list [-page <number>]]